Portable Operation
Southeastern Arkansas
7 July March 2001
EM35 EM43 EM44

Well, I was up visiting the parents again, and I thought that I would head south this time. Basically, I was using the family mobile setup and it works well with the exception of the 70 cm receive. I still need to improve this. It looks like I will have to have some gain to make it any better. I operated from 3 different grids in 4 different counties. During this trip I was also able to make contact with ISS (NA1SS) Susan Helms. I guess I am working toward a worked from all of the grids in Arkansas.

The following is the equipment complement I used:
    Yaesu FT-847
    M2 2 M Eggbeater
    M2 70 cm Eggbeater with preamp
    VQLog and Nova for Windows Software on a Toshiba laptop
    Large deep cycle battery for power

QSL Card

Log of Contacts

Southern Oklahoma
1 July 2001
EM23 EM24

This was my try at using the radio transceiver in my truck. Using the Alinco DR-605TQ, I had good luck, but I am still displeased with the 70 cm receive setup. I will have to compare FT-847 to see if it is antenna or radio. For the first AO- 27 and UO-14 passes I stopped about 2 mile south Boswell, Oklahoma. The cows seemed to be amused, but other than that it was uneventfull. Having some time between passed, I headed off to the east. I finally stopped in the town of Hugo, Oklahoma. As it turned out, the parking lot of a video rental store happened to be just in the right place. All locations were verified via GPS and a map. Both locations were within Choctaw county.

The following is the equipment complement I used:
    Alinco DR-605TQ
    M2 70 cm Eggbeater antenna with Pre-amp
    MFJ Dual Band Vertical Antenna Garmin eTrax GPS
    Nova for Windows
Satellite Mobile Truck

QSL Card

Log of Contacts

Las Vegas, Nevada
21 - 24 March 2001
DM25 DM26

This was my first attempt at a truly portable setup. After asking around, I found out that DM25 was more needed than DM26. So, I grabbed a map and the GPS and when looking for the intersection of these two grids. As it turned out, it was only several miles south of the city. I found a nice quiet side road, verified my position and began opeation. I got a few funny looks, but no problems in the end. I was able from the intersection of DM25 and DM26. I was only sorry that I did not have more time to do additional passes.

The following is the equipment complement I used:
    Kenwood TH-D7A HT
    Arrow Dual Band Antenna
    Garmin eTrax GPS
    Nova for Windows
Las Vegas Post Card

QSL Card

Log of Contacts

Northern Arkansas
8 - 10 March 2001
EM35 EM36 EM45 EM46

This was my first attempt at portable satellite operations. Since, my parents live in this part of the state, I thought I would give it a try. I really had a great time. I was able to operate from 4 different grid squares EM35, EM36, EM45 and EM46.

The following is the equipment complement I used:
    Yaesu FT-847
    M2 2 M Eggbeater
    M2 70 cm Eggbeater with preamp
    VQLog and Nova for Windows Software on a Toshiba laptop
    Large deep cycle battery for power
The antennas were mounted on a PVC frame attached atop the family van. I operated with the equipment resting on the rear seats of the van. The arrangement got quite a few curious looks from the local residents. Below are a few pictures for the antenna configuration.

W5ADC Portable Satellite Vehicle

QSL Card

I was able to work 10 passes mostly on UO-14 and AO-27. I made 69 contacts. While these were not the rarest grids in the US, I do hope that I helped a few amateurs in the quest for grid squares. I hope to do more portable operations in the future. I am already working on improving the setup.

Log of Contacts

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