Amateur Radio Operations
HSMM Outdoor Enclosure Implementation


Since I would like to see more of these system implemented in the area, I thought it would be good idea to document at least one way to design and build an outdoor enclosure for a WRT54GL router.  I also wanted to make sure that the parts I used were locally available.

Material Needed

Below is a list of materials needed for this installation:

Tools Needed

Below are a list of tools that I used in the build of this system:

How I Did It

There is no right or wrong way to do this.  Below are the steps that I followed.  This is one of these projects that is just begging for ham radio improvisation.  So feel free to try new things.

Step 1 Modify the Box

There is no right or wrong way to do this.  Below are the steps that I followed.  This is one of these projects that is just begging for ham radio improvisation.

Well here is the box as you get it from the store.

Pic of box as purchased from store

Here are several views of the exterior of the box.

Top of BoxSide where latch is installed
Top side of boxHinge side of box
Bottom of boxBack of box

When you first open the box here is the view.

Inside of box

Here are a few more details of the interior.  Notice the latch and GFI outlet.  The box also has an intermediate cover plate that will be removed.

Interior of boxBox with interior cover plate removed

With the GFI outlet removed you can see that the WRT54 will just not fit.  So, let the modifications begin.


WRT54 trial installIt won't fit that way either

So with a Dremel type tool and a small saw, I removed the center support post and the plastic around the GFI outlet.  The fit is much better now.  With the antennas installed it fits just fine.  For the installation I have in mind, one of the antennas will be removed an an external antenna used.

View of box with out center post and GFI

Here is a picture with the locking latch installed.  The latch does not have to be latched to operate.
